Alexander MacGruder's Story

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"Cosby delivers a medieval battle-of-wills romance designed (for) those who enjoy good repartee, 13th-century backdrop...and sensuality."
- Romantic Times
His Captive
Zebra Historical Romance
ISBN: 1-4201-0108-0
With a wastrel brother and a treacherous former fiancé, Lady Nichola Westcott hardly expects the dangerously seductive Scot who kidnaps her to be a man of his word. Though Sir Alexander MacGruder promises not to hurt her, Nichola’s only value is as a pawn to be ransomed.
Alexander’s goal is to avenge his father’s murder, not to become entangled with the enemy. But his desire to keep Nichola with him, in his home—in his bed—unwittingly make her a target for those who have no qualms about shedding English blood.
Now Nichola is trapped—by her powerful attraction to a man whose touch shakes her to the core. Unwilling and unable to resist each other, can Nichola and Alexander save a love that has enslaved them both?
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What people are saying about His Captive...
“Finally! At last! A bold, lusty Medieval! Diana Cosby is superbly talented. HIS CAPTIVE is the beginning of a wonderful career.” — NYT Bestselling Author - Cathy Maxwell
"A sexy new voice in historical romance"
USA Today Bestselling author Sandra Hill
"HIS CAPTIVE is filled with all the things a romance reader looks for--brave Scottish hero, feisty English heroine, challenges, danger, passion and love! Diana Cosby brings a talent for storytelling to this emotional tale about the power of love to cross barriers, heal wounds and triumph over evil! Brava!"
Award-winning author Terri Brisbin
"Thank GOD the old school historical is back!" Michelle Buonfiglio, myLifetimeTV.com
"Reading His Captive, I'm distinctly taken back to reading Voyager, my first Diana Gabaldon!" Kim Castillo
Reading His Captive reminded me of some of the medieval stories I've read over a decade ago, even having a touch of an old favorite, Jude Deveraux. - Stacy Ahlgren, Stacy's Place on Earth
“A read to remember!” Berkley author, Nancy Haddock
"Talented author Diana Cosby brings wonderful characters to life in a stop-your-heart novel filled with drama, danger and emotion."
Award-winning Silhouette Desire author Shirley Rogers
"Charming, entertaining and romantic, Diana Cosby's debut novel, HIS CAPTIVE, transports you to the rugged bens and glens of medieval Scotland, captures your heart, and leaves you sighing for more wonderful tales from this bright new voice in historical romance."
Award-winning author Laurin Wittig
"Evocative...sexy...powerful!" Award-winning Silhouette author, Mary J. Forbes.
Diana Cosby is a talented and bright new star rising among the celebrated romance authors. Her debut novel His Captive has all the elements needed to make it a hit! Bonnie, A Romance Review
“His Captive is a great start to the amazing MacGruder Brothers series!” — Rhonda Kirby, TN, USA
"Those MacGruder boys are every woman's Prince Charming, in a rugged sort of way!" - Jinny Kirby-Baxter, NV, USA
"The whole MacGruder Brothers series is beyond great!" - KElizabeth, GA, USA

If he could, Alexander would rid himself of Lord Monceaux’s sister this instant. But the rebels needed the coin her ransom would bring. And he’d given his word to protect her, so that he would.
Alexander pulled her to the stairs. “Stay quiet,” he threatened and nipped at her neck in cover to any who observed their departure.
At the bottom of the steps, she rounded on him, by the stubborn glint in her eyes, ready to argue anew. Before she could rail at him, he heaved her over his shoulder.
Her scream blended with the rowdy cheers of the men below as he hauled her up the rickety steps. They reached the top of the stairs and thankfully out of view of the very drunk and non-discriminate crowd below.
She clawed at his shoulder. “Do not rape me!”
Exhausted, his head throbbing from fatigue, he set her down inside the hall, but kept a secure grip on her wrist. Of course she was terrified. He’d abducted her from her home, dressed her in a wanton’s gown and hauled her into a tavern filled with the basest of men. Most noble women would have fainted as they’d stepped inside. That she’d but trembled at the sight of the dangerous men raised his respect for her another notch.
“Lass,” he said softly. “I am going to —”
She tried to rip her hand free, her chest heaving. “Let me go!”
Alexander softened his grip. “I only want sleep.”
His quiet words spilled between them as she eyed him with distrust. With the strength of a saint, he kept his gaze focused on her face and away from the tempting swells below.
She wiped her lips with the back of her hand as if she found his lingering taste offensive. “You let them think me your whore!”
He gave a somber nod. “Aye. Had they known different, they would have taken you. Or tried.”
Her hand went to her throat. “But you are their enemy?” As if realizing the peril of her condemnation, a flush stole up her cheeks.
“The lot below would not be caring,” he said, matter of fact. “As long as they believe you are with me, they will not harm you.”
“Is that supposed to reassure me?”
“’Tis up to you.”
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