Hobby Reads
Diana Cosby’s – Romance Reader’s Build A Habitat For Humanity Home.
You can be notified of Diana’s new releases with a simple click on the yellow ‘add favorite’ button on Amazon.
MacGruder Brother’s Tour - Scotland: If you’d like to follow in the MacGruder Brothers’ footsteps, e-mail Alastair Cunningham (alastair@clansandcastles.com) at Scottish Clans and Castles who will put together an itinerary to fit the time you have available”
"Alastair at Scottish Clans and Castles is WONDERFUL. He is so much fun to be around!!! And we learned so much." - Carol Marck, MI, USA http://www.clansandcastles.com
His Captive, the 1st book in the bestselling MacGruder Brothers Series, has on Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Medieval Historical Bestseller List for 314 days straight! (*As of 4 Jan. 2015)
Diana had the honor of speaking at the Library of Congress on 5 December, 2012, at the, “What If . . . Science Fiction & Fantasy Forum,” about researching and crafting a vampire story. Photo
Diana appeared in Woman's Day Magazine in a story about, "Achieving Your Dreams Over 40!"
USA Today’s Happy Ever After mentions:
-An Oath Taken, book #1 in The Oath Trilogy.
-His Seduction, the 5th book in the bestselling MacGruder Brothers!
-His Enchantment, the 6th book in the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series!
-Quoted in USA Today’s Happy Ever After’s article, “Authors celebrate their favorite
romances of 2013, part I!”
During its release week, An Oath Taken made it on to both Amazon Canada and Amazon United Kingdom’s bestseller lists!!!
Note: An Oath Taken remains on Canada's Amazon Bestseller List!!! As of 4 January 2015, it was #31 in Kindle Romance Historical and #38 in Historical books!!!
Diana is mentioned in the January/February 2014 Atlantic County Woman on page #60 as one of the Women of Atlantic County!!!
His Woman is listed as one of the "Best Romance Novels of 2010 and Others!"
In March 2014, His Woman was #1 on Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Medieval Historical Bestseller List!
His Conquest remained on Amazon's Bestsellers in Historical Romances list for 145 days strait!
His Conquest won the Dunes and Dreams RWA Picture Perfect Cover Contest
His Destiny won 2nd place in Houston Bay Area RWA's Judge A Book By Its Cover Contest!
His Destiny won 2nd place in Houston Bay Area RWA's Judge A Book By Its Cover Contest!
His Seduction won the Reader’s Choice award for the 2014 Houston Bay Area’s Judge A Book By Its Cover Contest!
His Woman & His Conquest are listed in the, ‘Best Historical Romance Novels,” on Best Romance Novels Today!
See Diana on the July/August 2009 cover of Texoma Living Magazine click here. And, around the world here!
Diana and several Texas Romance writers volunteer at a local build for Habitat For Humanity click here to see.
Foreign sales:
An Oath Sworn : Rights sold to Germany.
An Oath Taken: Rights sold to Germany.
An Oath Broken: Rights sold to Germany.
His Captive: Rights sold to The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Czech Republic, & Thailand
His Woman: Rights sold to The Netherlands, Germany, & Thailand.
His Conquest: Rights sold to Czech Republic, Germany, & Thailand.
His Destiny: Rights sold to Germany.
His Seduction: Rights sold to Germany.